Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Sun Also Rises: a journal quilt

After lots of snow, abundant rain and cold weather, a hot sun came out shockingly fast! Corduroys and sweaters were not the perfect outfit. Had to think and move quickly to find and organize for fit some cooler clothes. Not easy, even yet.

However, there were two other memorable events for the journal quilt not captured: earthquakes for friends in California and daughter-in-law Beth's special surprise of the grandchildren's first Easter items she had saved.


  1. Oh, do love this journal quilt! Perfect, perfect to use the "paper dolls" and clothes to celebrate the getting out of spring and putting up of winter togs! Love it. My mind is spinning, thinking of the TWO journal quilts I need to make, one to celebrate my quilting week and one my California Easter week. Thanks for being an inspiration, always!

  2. Boy! Hasn't it gotten hot quickly? Where did you get these cute materials?

  3. The journal quilt is delightful. What a cute way to "tell" about the rapid weather change. Now if I could just sew....or quilt...or paint..or....?
