Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Theme is Daydreams

    The international journal quilt I belong to, Material Mavens, has Reveal Day today. We reveal a new topic every two months on the 15th. The topic this time is DayDreams. Visit the group of twelve quilters to see interesting and more complex interpretations!

     I do not daydream. I dusk dream. When I hit the pillow in the evening, at a time I should be sleeping, I start to plan my paintings. I wonder how to celebrate 50 years of marriage, imagine new projects to enjoy with my grandchildren, and think about friends near and far. The quiet period, with nothing to disturb my dusk dreaming, along with my being a night person, can be productive.

     This quilt started out as a nightwalk on a beach in Maine or the Vineyard, but the sand became stars at night. I love the coast...walking and picking up shells. But stars at night with an assortment of pillows, topics dreamed on the pillows from that week in June one day about a month ago (baking, painting plans, quilt shows, friendly spider Charlotte near my computer), are reflected in this piece. I REALLY wanted to portray the bear who made it all the way to the ocean on Cape Cod and was taken 100 miles back into Western Massachusetts, but again made it 100 miles back to a tall Brookline tree before he was downed. He had big daydreams and the admiration of many. Mine should be bigger!


  1. I've already said it all on the blog, but truly, I do love your term "dusk dream" and I think this quilt perfectly captures the myriad of things that you ponder as you are drifting off to sleep. I think someone ought to write a poem entitled "Dusk Dreams". You, maybe!

  2. I like what Alice said - a poem-YES.
    DUSK DREAMS are Linda's way
    Of saying "good-bye" to the day.
    These dreams are not , however, passive
    For her resulting creativity will be MASSIVE. :) ss

  3. Dusk dreams yes, soft, seductive, satisfying. We all love the notion.
    I'm a morning, early morning, girl, so I do my dreaming early, early, before the household stirs. Often I'm alone on the porch--but not alone--with the setting moon and morning star, I dream dreams much as Linda does in the dusky hours.

  4. Cool...
    Also, "Dusk Dreams" is a great name for a horse. Will go to AQHA and see if it's taken.
    You constantly amaze me, and I love you very much.

  5. I love the shells! It is such a treat to walk along the beach to see what has washed up on the shore. And, then the other mix of day and night and dusk - that "time to keep." Love your "dusk dreams" concept. It's fascinating to see where the mind will go when given free range.

  6. " This quilt started out as a nightwalk on a beach in Maine or the Vineyard, but the sand became stars at night. I love the coast...walking and picking up shells. But stars at night with an assortment of pillows, topics dreamed on the pillows from that week in...." Love it! Just love it, Linda.
