Thursday, July 1, 2010

Leadership Laxity

Journal quilts are posted weekly about some important event, something of significance in one's life or a happening one wants to remember. I have neglected to post about the Gulf disaster or the fall of a four-star general, an earthquake, or even a discussion w Hannah about vegetarianism. But I can't omit the Gulf disaster any longer although I find it difficult to post on. The four-star fall is there as well.

We were so fortunate in the founders of this country, and hopefully we can continue to have leaders, in business and in government, who are alert and diligent to do the best for the earth, our country and its people, and all the world.


  1. Profound and TRUE, Linda. I liked the seriousness of your writing and the journal quilt that expressed so well too.

  2. Your quilt says it all. And, your writing is right on about the need for perceptive leaders who care. The fabrics are amazing!

  3. Dramatic! I love your fabric choices. The falling star, amazingly clever. As always, you've outdone yourself!

  4. I've been rather discouraged about the divisiveness of our country recently. Of course we have pretty similar views, but your insightful comments lifted my heart a bit. I saw a bumper sticker on a car near the campus recently that read, "I think, therefore I'm a liberal."
