At book club, clever Sally Baker gifted Molly's new grandchild with this adorable bib...so practical for dining, Sally let her grands choose some of the trim for the gift, spreading the color and joy through generations. I wish I had another grandchild to make one for! A good size mess could be enjoyed. The gifted grandmother tied one on and it was dazzling. For my gift, I had hoped to find a square yard of off-white Merino wool to bind with satin blanket binding; but I couldn't find where to get the wool. Do you know?

Joe and I enjoyed a chamber music festival w neighbor Sarah in charge, inspiring me to up my piano practice and find someone for duets. I found Schumann's "Kinderszenen" on-line, printed it and taped it to a book for proper height; plus, at Staples, I added spiral binding to son Bill's surviving music book which is about my level after many years of little practice. I picked up some more music (and books) at the Bryn Mawr used book store in Cambridge. Making music together is fun; so I am hoping to teach Joe the easier parts on some duets. Crazy, but so far he has been a good sport.
Last night I went to Quilter's Connection, a resumption of attendance even though I no longer do much quilting. The speaker was a printmaker who won a traveling fellowship to the Middle East and Europe. She mined the patterns in churches, synagogues and mosques for her own museum quality works. Some of the rugs or hangings spoke to my interest in meditative stitchery, big stitch and boro hand stitching that I will enjoy in the Winter Workshops where quilters teach quilters. Also, I want to add some narratives to small pieces that I can carry around with me. 'Twould have been better learning a sampler as a child. In miniature I want to embroider the so-called prayer of St. Francis of Assisi to self-improve in these troubled times.
Tomorrow I hope to learn more about my granddaughter's leadership week in Israel. I have been enjoying studying Genesis from several angles. I am hoping to read more books about our times of turmoil. I am reading American Dirt that some tried to ban. Cultural appropriation concerns need a careful, not knee-jerk reaction.