Where to get ideas? A meeting this week at the Quilters Connection last week reminded me of The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron. In the book she encourages one's writing, uncensored, three Morning Pages a day, possibly in a notebook. By the end of the week I usually have so many ideas I have to quit writing.Do you need the Muse for a creative project? Try Morning Pages. I purchased and will reread The Artist's Way, it is so good.
I don't recommend rewarding your creative efforts with the sweets I have been baking: acorn- and leaf-shaped muffins (molds from William Sonoma), buttermilk biscuits while reading Morrison's Beloved, Jen's vanilla buttermilk cookies, and rolling pen-embossed seasonal cookies. Some goodies went to the church fair, but most to Joe and Linda. I am now off sweets and making a myriad of bookmarks for my book club exchange. Fewer calories. Google "fabric book marks" or "embellished fabric bookmarks". A lot of fun awaits.
Hmm...the title to this post suggests a visual "toast." Maybe the muse is hovering.