At a journal quilt meeting I noticed delicate earrings on petite Elana. I was stunned they were made from Shrink Art which I played with 40 years ago and never imagined such artful renderings. I drove way out into the suburbs for our play date and was immediately stunned on walking inside to see the large quilt she had made for her late dog Marty's comfort. I took photos of her clever Shrink Art procedure, but for brevity here, I recommend the book Shrink Art Jewelry by Klutz. I ordered a copy for the grands. It tells all the steps and includes everything! See Elana's hands quilt in the recent Quilting Arts magazine!
Next, I had an hour to make a surprise birthday card for Patsy when several of us gathered to see Ann's grandchild in a show. I sewed embellishments in the car on the way to NYC, listening to a CD of The Zookeeper's Wife. I took the quilt-like bracelets I recently made to give to friends who gathered.

Hannah was born at the time of the Boston Marathon. Both are celebrated this weekend . I whipped up a solar system throw from a panel from the City Quilter. A bookee, the birthday girl has been zipping through the Rick Riordan modern Heroes of Olympus books, some names found in the constellations. Her accompanying soft birthday card this year is a 3D book, seen below the throw.
And finally, just in time for an 80th birthday dinner last night, I worked on one of the hulk panels with imagery (logos) appropriate for Roy's company and his wife (tattoo on the arm). This birthday card completed, I think I can take a break now to catch up and clear the massive clutter I produced!
Note: I used more fabric paint than usual for solutions...and experimented with rhinestones. If you have questions, post below to Comments to say "Hi" and I will try to answer. In most cases, you are viewing fronts and backs of cards and the throw.